Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Stepfamily or Blended family or Bonus family- who cares? They do!

 Taken from

Research has shown that calling a Step Family a “Blended Family” can actually set that family up for failure. During the first 5 years of Stepfamily formation they are trying to figure out the Boundaries/ Rules/ Family position and Roles. They are hardly “Blended”. When they and society put an unrealistic expectation on themselves by using this terminology they are adding stress onto an already stressful situation because they may feel like they are failing at Blending their family.
Society needs to accept and call Stepfamilies for who they are – a gathering of people from two separate families who have come together to create a new and unique family system. Just as Adoptive Families and Foster Families are celebrated for their uniqueness, Stepfamilies should be as well.
Be proud of your Stepfamily and rejoice in your connection and know that in time you will “Blend” but at the beginning it may feel more like you are in a Blender.

What say you?